Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Tag: pharaoh

  • Joseph and Pharaoh’s Dreams

    Joseph and Pharaoh’s Dreams

    We will soon be learning all about Joseph in Egypt. Joseph is a young man I love to teach about.  He was alone, in a foreign land, no family around and he still honored GOD!!! He was faced with trials, adversities and falsely accused and he still honored GOD!! He is one of our BIBLE…

  • Pharaoh’s Fatal Following

    Pharaoh’s Fatal Following

    Why did Pharaoh NOT learn his lessons? We are going to talk about how we should NEVER harden our hearts towards God and his commandments. We need to always obey!!! We are going to talk about how catastrophe always seems to happen to those who do NOT listen and obey God. As our activity we…

  • The Passover story will NOT be Passed Over by this Preschool Class.

    The Passover story will NOT be Passed Over by this Preschool Class.

    I will be the first to admit that the Passover story is not an easy story to teach to Preschoolers, There is death, sacrifices, blood, darkness, etc. It kind of makes this a hard story to teach. Yet, if you look at the story you see how much GOD loves HIS people. You see how…

  • Wednesday’s Explorer Journal Activity….

    Wednesday’s Explorer Journal Activity….

    As you know Wednesday Evening is time for reviewing what the children learned on Sunday Morning. On Wednesday Evening, we do our Explorer Journal Activity. The Explorer Journal Activity this week is the 10 Plagues. The children will be coloring, gluing and sticking 3D items to the “Plagues Pyramid.” This activity will then be placed…

  • Sunday is a Coming…..and I can hardly wait!!!

    Sunday is a Coming…..and I can hardly wait!!!

    Sunday is coming and I am so excited about this lesson on the plagues. I have my room ready and have made a few more items for the purpose of teaching this lesson. I used clipart from phillipmartin.com to make a standing Pharaoh and Moses. I printed them, laminated them, and attatched them to toliet…

  • Working on the 10 Plagues

    Working on the 10 Plagues

    To day has been an extremely busy day. I have been working on the lesson about the 10 Plagues that I will be teaching on Sunday. I am so excited about this lesson (I seem to be that way with each lesson.) and I know the children will find it exciting too. We are going…

  • It’s OK to change your mind sometimes.

    It’s OK to change your mind sometimes.

    I was struggling this past few days with the activities for the lesson on Moses and Aaron appeal to Pharaoh. The activities I had come up with were just to similar to one another. So, I began thinking and praying. I NEVER want my kids to be BORED in class. So, on Saturday it finally…

  • Getting Ready for Sunday– I know it is only Thursday.

    Getting Ready for Sunday– I know it is only Thursday.

    Today I have spent several hours copying, cutting, gluing, making, coloring, laminating, etc. I am in full go for this next Sunday’s Bible Class. We will be learning about Moses and Aaron speaking to Pharaoh. I struggled a bit with this lesson….only in the fact that I can in NO way turn a rod into…

  • Baby Moses story came to life today

    Baby Moses story came to life today

    Today we began our new material. We are Exploring the book of Exodus. The children were amazed as they walked in the door and found “baby Moses” floating on the “river Nile” in our classroom. They were immediately excited about what we were going to be doing in class today. I did not change our…