Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Tag: Prophet

  • The Ravens Fed Elijah (GOD WILL PROVIDE!)

    The Ravens Fed Elijah (GOD WILL PROVIDE!)

    I am beyond excited about this lesson.  I know the KIDDOS will LOVE learning all about the Ravens Feeding Elijah.  I LOVE how GOD takes care of HIS FOLLOWERS.    There is so many exciting aspects to this lesson…Although, we will focus on the HISTORY of this lesson…we will make sure to DRAW out the conclusion…

  • Attempting Something New…Trying to Share A Few Of My Songs.

    The Songs We Sang For Our FIRST Lesson in the Divided Kingdom!! Someone asked me for the “TUNE” to the songs we sang this past Sunday.  I was not sure of a NAME to these tunes…So, I decided to SHARE the songs with you all this way.   All of my songs are acapella.  I try…

  • The Divided Kingdom

    The Divided Kingdom

    Sometimes it is HARD to get things rolling after coming off vacation.  This year was NO different.  Unpacking, cleaning, shopping, birthday parties, my youngest son needing staples in his head…you, know just the normal day to day responsibilities that come with being a wife and mom.  🙂   However, I have been working on some changes…