Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Tag: Review

  • Fruit of the Spirit Review and “Conference” Day.

    Fruit of the Spirit Review and “Conference” Day.

    Today was REVIEW DAY.  The children LOVE looking back at ALL the Lessons they have learned!!!  I enjoy review day too.  It gives me an opportunity to stop and look at what all we have accomplished!!!!!! Today the kiddos were greeted with the Review Table.  On the Table were all the “Take Home” activities that…

  • Fruit of the Spirit—-Self-Control

    Fruit of the Spirit—-Self-Control

    I  cannot believe we are coming to the end of our study of the Fruit of the Spirit.  The kiddos have enjoyed this material very much.  They have learned sooo much.  This material was a continual challenge for me….normally I write my material in a chronological fashion….however, with this material we looked at several different…

  • Fruit of the Spirit—–Faithfulness

    Fruit of the Spirit—–Faithfulness

    I want to apologize for the delay in  updating you on the progress of our Fruit of The Spirit unit.  I have been very busy as of late.  I made a trip to Indiana for a weekend of edification!!!!  There were 317 Christian Ladies gathered together for the purpose of learning, sharing, encouraging and edifying…



    I was recently asked what our “Explorer Journals” looked like..So, I decided to dedicate an entire post so that you could see what I call our Explorer Journal.  Our “Explorer Journals” are basically binders filled with plastic page protector sheets.  The children fill the page protectors with their Craft/Activity that they make on Wednesday Evening.  …

  • Fruit of the Spirit—–Goodness

    Fruit of the Spirit—–Goodness

    I am enjoying the challenge of teaching the Fruit of The Spirit attributes to the children.  The children have been enjoying the various Bible “Stories” that we have been using to learn the attributes.    Since I normally teach in a chronological style, this material is challenging me to “think outside the box.” Our recent lesson…

  • RECYCLED CD’s Turned Books of The Bible Game/Activity  “SCRAMBLED CD’S”

    RECYCLED CD’s Turned Books of The Bible Game/Activity “SCRAMBLED CD’S”

    I LOVE finding a new use for TRASH!!!!   I am sure, if you are anything like me, that you have TONS of CD’s laying around that have NO use.  Old computer games, CD’s that have be mailed to you in junk mailers, CD’s that did not burn right, etc.  It is AMAZING how fast my…

  • Fruit of the Spirit—–Patience

    Fruit of the Spirit—–Patience

    This quarter seems to be FLYING by.  We have been having sooo much fun learning about the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT.  We are on lesson 6 which is ALL about PATIENCE.  Our lesson was based on the FARMER from James 5:7-8.  I really like these verses for showing the need for Patience…..because, FARMERS HAVE TO…

  • Fruit of the Spirit—–Peace

    Fruit of the Spirit—–Peace

    We are already on lesson 5 of our Fruit of The Spirit lesson material.  The children are really enjoying these lessons.  Lesson five was about the attribute: PEACE.   I decided to use the account of Jesus calming the sea for our main BIBLE story.  I told the children the story (put into my own words)…

  • Fruit of the Spirit Lesson 4  JOY

    Fruit of the Spirit Lesson 4 JOY

    I can hardly believe we are already on Lesson 4 of our Fruit of the Spirit  lesson material.  The children seem to really be enjoying this material.  Lesson four was all about the attribute: JOY.  So, I decided that I needed to find a story in the Bible that showed someone that went from being…

  • Fruit of the Spirit Lesson 3  LOVE

    Fruit of the Spirit Lesson 3 LOVE

    Lesson three of our Fruit of the Spirit unit was a lesson on LOVE.  I used the verse John 3:16 as our main text.  We learned how God LOVES us soooo much that HE sent HIS Son JESUS to die for our sins.   For our  “story time” I used a small story book that showed…