Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Tag: Take Home Activity

  • Wise Men Visit Baby Jesus

    Wise Men Visit Baby Jesus

    We are making progress in our Lesson about the LIFE of JESUS CHRIST.  Due to so many of our KIDDOS being out of town for the Holidays we “paused” our  study.  We used the last month to REVIEW past lessons, Bible Facts and more.  I am so glad that reviewing is a very important part…

  • The Shepherds Visit

    The Shepherds Visit

    DO YOU KNOW WALL.  Our newest lesson is when the Shepherd’s Visit Baby JESUS.    This was a very fun lesson to teach…we had so much fun during class and I am hoping they will remember this lesson for all their life!!!    The KIDDOS should be able to answer all the questions from our…

  • Life of CHRIST—Angel Gabriel’s Announcement

    Life of CHRIST—Angel Gabriel’s Announcement

     I am so excited about this “NEW MATERIAL.”  I have been working on LESSONS on the LIFE OF CHRIST for a while, now.  I am NOT done writing the LESSONS, but I feel I have enough LESSONS written that we can march forward in EXPLORING the LIFE of CHRIST!!!   As always, I teach my…

  • Jacob Loves Rachel

    Jacob Loves Rachel

    We recently had a lesson about Jacob meeting Rachel and falling in love with her. The end of the lesson is the hardest to teach….you know where Laban tricks Jacob and gives him Leah. Trying to explain why Jacob has more than one wife is a difficult thing….so, I just tell the KIDDOS this, “I…

  • Jacob Receives The Blessing

    Jacob Receives The Blessing

    WOW, life gets so busy.   Sometimes we have to PAUSE  and take care of family needs. Just so you know, we have been moving forward with our EXPLORATION of BIBLE HISTORY.   However, being overwhelmed by busyness has kept me from UPDATING the website.   A few weeks ago, we had our lesson on Jacob receiving the…

  • Abraham & Sarah Special Guest

    Abraham & Sarah Special Guest

    This week we are moving forward in our EXPLORATION of Abraham and Sarah.   We are focusing on the time period when the three “special” visitors came and told Abraham that Sarah would have a baby in a year!  What an exciting story!!!   Our DO YOU KNOW? WALL  is ready.   We have a…

  • Abraham “GET UP and GO.”

    Abraham “GET UP and GO.”

    Do You KNOW?  Wall. BULLETIN BOARD We have begun our EXPLORATION of the Patriarchs.  I am excited.  The KIDDOS are excited, too. They LOVE new adventures!!! The KIDDOS “NEW” Explorer Journals are READY!!  These are used to keep their Explorer Journal Activities.  The KIDDOS get to take them home at the end of the study.…

  • Noah Builds the Ark

    Noah Builds the Ark

    Our “DO YOU KNOW?” wall is all ready for this weeks lesson. We are still progressing through Genesis.  We will be learning all about NOAH and the ARK.  Due to some travel plans, the KIDDOS will be getting an extra week on this lesson. I LOVE teaching about NOAH and the ARK.  So many LIFE LESSONS…